Wednesday, October 31, 2007

on the lam (still)

Zum französischen Publikum des 17. Jahrhunderts (Auerbach)| In diesem Institut werden Türen nicht beklebt| Wo ist denn hier die Sprache| dem hippen Berlin und dem verträumten Rejkvavik| von kaiserlicher Marine zu Forschungszwecken gesammelt (Ethnologisches Museum)| die Schatten der Südsee| Nails American Style| the digirati

Thursday, October 25, 2007

on the lam

Schlafwut | Astralverdoppelung | Nachbarn duschen um 4.20am | Lampenschein um 4 | Tage ohne PC Geräusche | Das Ende der fetten Jahre? | Gesine gleicht BooBoo Glass | 7:14 kein Tageslicht | Hingucker | Das Auge des Bösen (Bild)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

On the lam

"I'm off to boil a monkey's bum"


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Spoil 1.99 semanticide

"Massive black hole enters the record books"

abc online


Ghost Writing


Ein anderer merkwürdiger Forscher ist Zwerg Breitsam, der an einer Ampel steht und Autofahrern ins Gesicht starrt. Dann mißt er die Geschwindigkeit, mit welcher die Angestarrten die Kreuzung überqueren. Die gemessenen Werte nennt Breisam die Fluchtgeschwindigkeit der Fahrer. Es heißt, daß Zwerg Breitsam euphorisch ist, "was er noch alles erfahren wird.".

Another peculiar reseacher is Zwerg Breitsam who stands at a traffic light and stares at automobile drivers' faces. Here he measures the speed with which those stared upon cross the intersection. Breitsam refers to his data as the escape speed of the drivers. It is said that Zwerg Breitsam is euphoric about "all that he is yet to find out."

Stefanie Carp, Kriegsgeschichten: Zum Werk Alexander Kluges, Munich, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1987, p. 189. Trans. mine.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Spoil 1.98 motion & mortality

About fix o clock I was on the defcent to Menil montant nearly oppofite the Gallant Gardener when fome people walking before me Hauing all at once haftily afide I faw a large Daniih dog rufhing on me which running a great pace before a coach had not time to flop his courfe or turn out of the way on perceiving me I judged the fole means to avoid being thrown down was to make a good leap foexacT that the dog might pafs under me whilft I was in the air This idea quicker than lightning and which I had neither time to reafon on nor execute was my laft before the accident 1 neither felt the blow nor the fall nor any thing that followed till the moment I came to

It was almost night when my senses returned...

This firft fenfation

Night was advancing I perceived the heavens fome ftars and a little verdure This firft fenfation was a delicious moment I felt nothing farther I was returning at this inftant to life and it feemed to me I filjed with my frail exiftence every object I perceived In this ftate I recolle&et at that inftant nothing I had not the leaft

I felt all over my frame a ravifhing calm, to which, each time I recal it to my remembrance, I never felt any thing comparable in the greateft activity of known pleafures.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Boil 1.98 Freud's War

A house was on fire. My father was standing beside my bed and woke me up. I dressed quickly. Mother wanted to stop and save her jewel-case; but father said: "I refuse to let myself and my children be burnt for the sake of your jewel-case." We hurried downstairs, and as soon as I was outside I woke up.

Monday, October 01, 2007


Satie, the anecdote goes, once tried to compose – and have performed, live, in a Paris restaurant – literal background music. It was music meant to flavor a room the way perfume might scent the boudoir: something you don't quite notice but is there nonetheless. Or, in a slightly more famous analogy, it was music meant to be experienced like furniture: it may be there in the room with you – but you didn't have to pay attention to it.
In any case, social conventions of the time being what they were, whenever Satie's musicians, installed there in the restaurant, started to play, all the diners would stop talking, put their utensils down, and politely listen. Satie thus had to walk around the restaurant almost continuously for the next half-hour, passing from patron to patron, demanding that they stop listening to his music.