Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Boil 2.12

'Mr Wooster?' said old Rowbotham. 'May I say Comrade Wooster?'
'I beg your pardon?'
'Are you of the movement?'
'Well - er -'
'Do you yearn for the revolution?'
'Well, I don't know that I exactly yearn. I mean to say, as far as I can make out, the whole hub of the scheme seems to be to massacre coves like me; and I don't mind owning I'm not frightfully keen on the idea.'

PG Wodehouse, The Inimitable Jeeves

Friday, March 23, 2007

...through a glass darkly...

Thursday, March 22, 2007


And while we fret and writhe in bandaged uncertainty...we fabulate.
J. Barnes, A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters, p. 242.

The sounds of silence

I take it that this part of the bill must have run something like this:

"Grand Contested Election for the Presidency of the United States

"Whaling Voyage by one Ishmael

N. Hawthorne, Moby Dick

[His] mind went back to the men of the Old Testament days who had also owned lands and herds. He remembered how God had come down out of the skies and talked to these men and he wanted God to notice and to talk to him also. A kind of feverish boyish eagerness to in some way achieve in his own life the flavor of significance that had hung over these men took possession of him. Being a prayerful man he spoke of the matter aloud to God and the sound of his own words strengthened and fed his eagerness.
S. Anderson, "Godliness", Winesburg, Ohio

Monday, March 19, 2007

Spoil 1.89

...under the presidency of Clinton, the army budget practically doubled...

T. Todorov, The New World Disorder, p.25


Lent et grave

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Weimar Republic or Miyazaki ?

found here via plep

Friday, March 09, 2007

nichts 0.4

Noch schöner das poetische Bild, das Heidegger mit einem wundersamen Vers seines mystischen Gewährsmannes Angelus Silesius für den "Grund als das Sein" und das "Sein als Grund" (S. v. Grd. 102) gegeben hat. "Ohne Warum" ist es überschrieben: "Die Ros ist ohn warum; sie blühet,/weil sie blühet/Sie achtet nicht ihrer selbst, fragt nicht, ob man sie siehet" (S. v. Gr. 68f.). Die selbst- und weltvergessene Schönheit der "rosa mystica" entzieht sich jeder berechnend-begründenden Logik. [...]
Gegen die Begründung der Seinsrose in sich selbst, mag sie auch noch so tautologisch und zirkulär sein, ist nicht bloß schwer zu argumentieren. Dagegen will man gar nicht argumentieren. Ja, blüht sie nicht um so schöner, als sie gerade auf dem grundlosen Grunde des Nichts erblüht? Meister Eckhart hat schon vor Angelus Silesius die mystisch-vitalistsiche Konequenz gezogen: "Würdest du das Leben fragen, warum lebest du, es könnte nicht anders antworten als: ich lebe darum, daß ich lebe." [...]
Aber das schlichtschöne, sich von selber verstehende Bild der Seinsrose ist wie das Spielen des Spiels als ontologisches Modell nur begrenzt tauglich. Die Seinsrose blüht auch unter den günstigsten Umständen nicht bloß - sie welkt auch, and mancher Seinsblüte nagt gar der Wurm. Und das Sein des Seinenden ist genausowenig wie eine kalkulatorische Machenschaft ein fragloses Naturgeschick. Gewiß, wenn es ist, ist es. Aber es ist nicht einfach weil es ist, "es blüht nicht, weil es blühet". Vielmehr ist es, wenn es ist, weil es sein will oder sein soll und nicht nicht. Und im Gegensatz zu Meister Eckhart kann das Leben sehr wohl auf andere Weise als mit dem Leben antworten.

Lütkehaus, Ludger. Nichts. Haffmans/Zweitausendeins 2003, 422 f.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Da da da - du liebst mich nicht ich lieb dich nicht

The simple theory is this: a state of mind is conscious when (and only when) one has a thought about it. This explains why it comes as a shock to us to be told that most states of mind are unconscious: for whenever we think about one, that makes it conscious [...] Suppose you are thinking, unconsciously, about someone who dislikes you, and it is spoiling your mood. What would it take for the unconscious thought to become conscious?
Simple answer: you'd have to have another thought, the thought that you were thinking about the person who dislikes you. If you have such a thought then you clearly are aware that you are thinking of your non-friend, and so that thought is conscious. And it is hard to imagine any way that the thought could be conscious that would not lead you to think that you had it. So consciousness is thought about thought.
That is the "higher-order thought" theory, often called the "HOT" theory of consciousness.
A. Morton, "Darkly through the glasses", TLS July 28 2006, p.11


Pirate of the Caribbean

Gustave Courbet - Captain Jack Sparrow

From behind 2.21

 Die schönsten Fotos waren jene, die von den Wilden in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung gemacht worden sind. Denn der Wilde steht immer dem Tod gegenüber, er tritt dem Objektiv auf die gleiche Weise wie dem Tod entgegen.
The most beautiful photos were those taken by the savages in their natural surroundings. The savage is always facing off with death, and he approaches the lense in the same way he approaches death.
Jean Baudrillard, Transparenz des Bösen, 1992. Transl. mine.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Spoil 1.88

Among his criticisms listed on Conservapedia, Mr Schlafly explains how many Wikipedia articles often use British spelling instead of American English and says it "refuses" to give enough credit to Christianity for the Renaissance. "Facts against the theory of evolution are almost immediately censored," he says.
Mr Schlafly, a lawyer, is the son of a prominent American conservative, Phyllis Schlafly, famed for her opposition to feminism and the Equal Rights Amendment.
Conservapedia was created last November as a project for home-schooled children, Mr Schlafly said, and he believes it could eventually become a reference for teachers in the US. "It is rapidly becoming one of the largest and most reliable online educational resources of its kind," he said.

(via theage)

Boil 2.11

Word of the day: fissiparous

Saturday, March 03, 2007

da pacem

Biosphere 0.94

Sheds - knick knack & flotsam & whitegood archives

the long sleep of bygone eras