Sunday, February 28, 2010

i resti

a sticker on a car's rear window announces 'DELEUZE WAS RIGHT' | S says M's Holden-Caulfieldism is the product of 2 years military service | A said she went into a scene she felt she could not crack (hard to believe) | Young pigeons learning to fly in the narrow space between two houses; the fence as launch pad | I writes, "S! look! that man there pointed at something with his walking stick" | the strategic positioning of Cardinale's bosom in Vaghe stelle dell'Orsa | the gentle rhythm of public transportation in Arslan's Der schöne Tag | days and weeks pass when nothing can be photographed | university, a "skilling" and "tooling" machine; see HJ Krahl, 1969 | all murdered in concentration camps: Elli, Valli, Ottla; and Milena (Ravensbrück) | Dora Diamant's threefold exile

Friday, February 26, 2010

Boil 2.15

[...] rafft er sich gelegentlich noch dazu auf, sich Mut zu machen mit anklägerischen Ausbrüchen, die in der Phraseologie seltsam an Bernhards spätere Tiraden erinnern. "Du selbst allein mußt, kannst, wirst Dich erretten aus Deinen eigenen sogar bereits selbstgegrabenen Abgründen! Sonst Niemand, kein angeblich verständnisvoller Arzt, kein gutmütiger Freund! Nur Du, Du, Du allein, Du selbst! Von Deinen Lebensenergien allein hängt Dein Lebensschicksal ab, aber weder von den, naturgemäß in bezug auf Dich, völlig verständnislosen und größenwahnsinnigen Ärzten oder ebenso naturgemäß verständnislosen wohlmeinenden Freunden, die Dich in allerbester Absicht auf Deine eigenen Abgründe hinabstürzen!"
WG Sebald, Unheimliche Heimat, 84-85

Friday, February 19, 2010


The Garden of Earthly Delights (1981) incorporates bits of grass, ferns, and insect wings.

How do you preserve such a thing? Brakhage endlessly revised some of his work, and came to appreciate the flaws that reprinting introduced into the originals. When Mark called him about eradicating a hair that had crept into Flight (1974), Brakhage replied: “That hair is the axis around which the entire film revolves.”

David Bordwell's blog

Monday, February 15, 2010

Prominte, prosim