a njoo sylins
Francisco Javier (1506-1553:)
Senhora Del Mundo (Villancico) [5:16]
Enteignung 0.1
Die HRE ist eine der größten Pfandbrief-Banken der Welt. Versicherungen haben Hunderte Milliarden in Pfandbriefen angelegt, und für Länder und Kommunen sind sie ein wichtiges Instrument zur Kreditbeschaffung.
»Enteignet« wurden im Fall der HRE in erster Linie die Steuerzahler, die für das obskure Geschäftsmodell der Banker – Refinanzierung langfristiger Kredite durch kurzfristige Zockeranleihen – jetzt bluten müssen.
Trotz der Kapitalhilfen und Bürgschaften betrug der nominelle Börsenwert der HRE am Freitag nur noch 180 Millionen Euro und selbst dieser Kurs offenbart nur die Spekulation auf weitere Staatshilfen.
In diesem Zusammenhang von einer »Enteignung« zu sprechen, ist nahezu lächerlich. Die zur Disposition stehenden Anteile des Investors Flowers sind faktisch wertlos. Es wird lediglich verhindert, daß diese Heuschrecke bei einer eventuellen Konsolidierung der HRE von den Milliarden aus dem Bundeshaushalt profitiert. Zudem haben die Regierungsparteien in dem Gesetz festgelegt, daß das Unternehmen, sofern es überlebt, umgehend wieder privatisiert wird.
nach: Rainer Balcerowiak,
"Wer wird enteignet?", Junge Welt, 21.03.2009, Seite 8
Labels: cut+paste
animated meaning of
kkkand the cooking instructions for a german dish
samatha and vipassana
What is certain, however, is that the Pali suttas never explicitly admit the existence of arahants who altogether dispense with the jhanas. It might also be important to note that the Sarvastivadins did not adopt the term sukkhavipassaka or any other term that quite matches it. While this may be just a matter of circumstance, simply because the term sukkhavipassaka arose in an exegetical camp geographically far removed from their own centers of activity, another more fundamental reason may also be involved. It is possible that the Sarvastivadins did not speak of a “dry-insight arahant” because they never introduced the scission between samatha and vipassana as sharply as the Theravadin commentarial tradition did but saw the path of any paññavimutta arahant to involve an interplay of these two meditative factors. To qualify as a “full paññavimutta” arahant, as one who is utterly bereft of jhana, this practitioner must end the development of samatha at a level called samantakadhyana, “threshold meditation”, corresponding to access concentration (upacarasamadhi) of the Theravada commentaries. But, it seems, they never conceived the idea of a meditator “who makes [bare] insight the vehicle” (vipassanayanika, suddhavipassanayanika), the distinctly Theravadin notion of the meditator who eventually reaches final fruition as a dry-insight arahant.
Bikkhu Bodhi. "The Susima-sutta and the Wisdom-Liberated Arahant", in:
The Journal of the Pali Text Society, Vol. XXIX (2007), pp. 50–74
File 2.02
Bridges are labour-saving expedients, unsung unless spectacularly large or beautiful."
Fergus Allen, "The muscular beauty of girders",
TLS Feb 22 2008, p.23
Labels: TLS
In the inventory of British tongues - Scots, Cornish, Gaelic, Welsh, English - this ranks among the rarer:
Dis daes
a njoo sylins
faas wie da haar.
The author of
Nort Atlantik Drift, Robert Alan Jamieson, does not say that his collection of poems is the first to be published in the language of Shetland, but his hope that the books "goes some distance towards representing a unique shoot of the Germanic tree of language in script form" suggests that it is. Jamieson provides a crib for his poems on the facing pages. Some, like the above, are fairly straightforward. ("These days / a new silence / falls with the sea-mist"), while others succeed in evoking a vigorous Shetland sound, even to ears unaccustomed to it:
Bobbie a'da aald Haa,
his mukkil oobin laagh boosin lugs,
tells agen his
best-kent tael.
(Bobbie from the old Hall, / his great hooting laugh buffeting ears, / tells again his favourite story.)
J.C., "Cheap Books",
TLS Feb 15 2008, p.40
Labels: TLS