Thursday, August 31, 2006

From behind 2.09

The sky was almost black, but the snow shone a bright blue in the moonlight. The sea lay asleep under the ice, and deep down among the roots of the earth all small beasts were sleeping and dreaming of spring.
T. Jansson, Moominland Midwinter, 11

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Fade to Grey

File 1.65

Understood today: Fade to Grey may be about La Jetée

Monday, August 21, 2006

File 1.64

Spring - will it put that extra bounce in our step?

Saturday, August 19, 2006


In the Forests of the Night


When the stars threw down their spears,
And water'd heaven with their tears,
Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who made the lamb make thee?

Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

W. Blake, The Tiger

Friday, August 18, 2006

Spoil 1.79

Ah, father Zeus, a lesser lease of life
Would thou hadst granted me, and wits no more
Than other men's. No honour hast thou done me,
No, not the least, with this my length of days,
To seven generations thus prolonged.
Carl Kerenyi, The Heroes of the Greeks, 101.

From behind 2.08

After Novalis died of consumption at the age of twenty-nine, Tieck said that 'the visible and the invisible worlds were one to him, and he distinguished life from death only by his longing for the latter.'
M. Cranston, The Romantic Movement, 37.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

File 1.63

Past is Prologue

Spoil 1.78

History is not social justice awareness week.

Julie Bishop, Australian Minister for Education, Aug 16 2006.

Vergangenheitsbewältigung. Aufarbeiten der Vergangenheit. An die Nachgeborenen. Aus der Geschichte lernen.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Waves, then goodbye
I live in a wafer thin dream
I, I can cry
You know that time, time's not kind

But I remember the way we were
Slow, slow sad love


From behind 2.07

There is an ancedote from Dirk Bogarde about meeting Virginia Woolf when he was a boy in Sussex. He only knew she was a skinny lady "with a long woolly", carrying a bunch of flowers and saying that she was lost. He and his friends were fishing for pike and refused conversation, while she rather pathetically held up the flowers for them to see. As she wandered off...always up and down the river...
J. Mullan, Guardian Weekly July 28, 2006, p.25.

From behind 2.06

Menschliches, Allzumenschliches was dedicated to Voltaire on the hundreth anniversary of his death. About a month after the book was published, an anonymous French reader sent Nietzsche a bust of Voltaire, with the message: "Voltaire's soul presents its compliments to Friedrich Nietzsche."

From behind 2.05

He also noted that late the previous afternoon it had begun to snow and that, looking out of the hotel window at the city, white in the falling dusk, it made him think of times long gone. Memory, he added in a postscript, often strikes me as a kind of dumbness. It makes one's head heavy and giddy, as if one were not looking back down the receding perspectives of time but rather down on the earth from a great height, from one of those towers whose tops are lost to view in the clouds.
Sebald, The Emigrants, 145.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

File 1.62

The "common cold of the soul"
For 1,500 years of Japanese history, Buddhism has encouraged the acceptance of sadness and discouraged the pursuit of happiness -- a fundamental distinction between Western and Eastern attitudes. The first of Buddhism's four central precepts is: suffering exists. Because sickness and death are inevitable, resisting them brings more misery, not less. ''Nature shows us that life is sadness, that everything dies or ends,'' Hayao Kawai, a clinical psychologist who is now Japan's commissioner of cultural affairs, said. ''Our mythology repeats that; we do not have stories where anyone lives happily ever after.'' Happiness is nearly always fleeting in Japanese art and literature. That bittersweet aesthetic, known as aware, prizes melancholy as a sign of sensitivity.
This traditional way of thinking about suffering helps to explain why mild depression was never considered a disease. ''Melancholia, sensitivity, fragility -- these are not negative things in a Japanese context,'' Tooru Takahashi, a psychiatrist who worked for Japan's National Institute of Mental Health for 30 years, explained. ''It never occurred to us that we should try to remove them, because it never occurred to us that they were bad.''
Direct-to-consumer drug advertising is illegal in Japan, so the company relied on educational campaigns targeting mild depression. As Nakagawa put it: ''People didn't know they were suffering from a disease. We felt it was important to reach out to them.'' So the company formulated a tripartite message: ''Depression is a disease that anyone can get. It can be cured by medicine. Early detection is important.'

(via dev/null/)

Boil 1.99

Buzzing today
the first blowfly.
right behind it?

Friday, August 04, 2006


In many lullabies, the refrain is based on soothing onomatopoeic sounds such as the echoing syllables of 'ninna nanna' in Italian, 'nana-nana' in Portuguese, 'nana' in Spanish and 'noumi, noumi' in Hebrew, 'eya eya' in Latin, 'eiapopeia' in German and 'bayou bay' in Russian, 'lulla lulla' in English and 'kuus, kuus, kallike' in Estonian.
J. Steinheuer, Ninna Nanna, 16.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

From behind 2.04

Before the law stands a gate keeper.