Thursday, September 08, 2011

nature morte

"Lovynge is the hynde, and frendlye is the Roo", so Proverbs assured him, "let hyr brestes alwaye satisfye the, and holde the ever content wyth hyr love." (JP Carley, "Italic ambitions", TLS June 3 2011, p.3) || My recollection is that the perhaps sufficiently devious Paris audience watching [Rohmer's Marquise von O...] with me, in 1976, was tickled by its naiveté, since giggling and snickering greeted its melodramatic representation. (A Kotin Mortimer, 'The devious second story in Kleist's Die Marquise von O...' The German Quarterly vol.67(3), 1994, p.297) || Und man muß Bewohner von Städten sein, sei es, um sich mit einer civilité höherer Art zu brüsten, sei es, um in melodischen und äußerst kunstvollen Versen das Glück der Hirten und die arkadische Stille als verloren zu beklagen. - And it is necessary to be an urbanite, be it in order to boast of one's refined civilité, be it to lament the loss of the joy of shepherds and arcadian calm in melodic and rather artful verse. (J Starobinski, Kunstgriffe der Aufklaerung, Ffm., Fischer, 1994, p.21. Transl. mine) || [...] Prayers or Medytacions, wherein the mynd is stirred, paciently to suffre all afflictions here, to set at nought the vayne prosperitee of this worlde, and alwaie to longe for the everlastynge felicitee [...] (Carley, ibid., p.4) || We learn that William Kent, the eighteenth-century architect, built "a grotto for Queen Caroline based on Spenser's description of Merlin's cave, and at Stowe a hermitage based on Archimago's cell." (H Wilkinson, "Child of Chaucer", TLS June 3 2011, p.10)