Monday, August 06, 2012


Arcadia, of which countrie wee are, is but a little way hence, and euen vpon the next confines. (P. Sidney, The countess of Pembroke's Arcadialink) || A crazy man his life he passed, But in his senses died at last. (Sancho Pansa) || […] she was forced to remember, or recordar–a word that derives from the Latin recordor, which means “to pass back through the heart.” (D. Grann, “The Yankee Commandante”, The New Yorker, May 28, 2012, p.71) || Was aber Nissen Piczenik betrifft, der ebenfalls damals unterging, so kann man nicht sagen, er sei einfach ertrunken wie die anderen. Er war vielmehr - dies kann man mit gutem Gewissen erzählen - zu den Korallen heimgekehrt, auf den Grund des Ozeans, wo der gewaltige Leviathan sich ringelt. [...] Möge er dort in Frieden ruhn, neben dem Leviathan bis zur Ankunft des Messias. || Concerning Nissen Piczenik, however, who also sunk at that time, one cannot say that he simply drowned like the others. Rather, this can be reported with a clear conscience, he returned home to the corals, to the ocean floor where lies curled up the mighty Leviathan. [...] May he rest there in peace, beside the Leviathan until the coming of the Messiah. (Joseph Roth, Leviathan, Werke 6, Cologne: Kiepenheuer und Witsch, 1991, p.574, trans. mine) || “When you are subjected to a policy of savagery and barbarism, you come to the conclusion that you have to reject those methods, that you have to be the first to set hatred aside, otherwise it will destroy you,” he has said. (D. Grann, “The Yankee Commandante”) || "Ah!" said Sancho weeping, "don't die, master, but take my advice and live many years; for the foolishest thing a man can do in this life is to let himself die without rhyme or reason, without anybody killing him, or any hands but melancholy's making an end of him. Come, don't be lazy, but get up from your bed and let us take to the fields in shepherd's trim as we agreed. Perhaps behind some bush we shall find the lady Dulcinea disenchanted, as fine as fine can be. If it be that you are dying of vexation at having been vanquished, lay the blame on me, and say you were overthrown because I had girthed Rocinante badly; besides you must have seen in your books of chivalry that it is a common thing for knights to upset one another, and for him who is conquered today to be conqueror tomorrow." (The History of Don Quixote, Volume II., by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra: link) || the Sun ru[n]ning a most eue[n] course becums an indifferent arbiter betweene the night and the day (P. Sidney, The countess of Pembroke's Arcadia)