PG Wodehouse, Jeeves in the Offing: The Jeeves Omnibus 4, p.242'And you may possibly not believe me, but I find the prospect of searching Mr. Cream's room quite enjoyable.''Enjoyable?''Yes. In a curious way it restores my youth. It brings me back to my preparatory school days, when I would often steal down at night to the headmaster's study to eat his biscuits.'I started. I looked at him with a kindling eye. Deep had called to deep, and the cockles of the heart were warmed.'Biscuits?'He kept them in a tin on his desk.''You really used to do that at your prep school?''Many years ago.'So did I, I said, coming within an ace of saying, 'My brother!''Indeed? Fancy that! I had supposed the idea original with myself, but no doubt all over England today the rising generation is doing the same thing. So you too have lived in Arcady? What kind of biscuits were yours? Mine were mixed.'
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