Hat K. Konkursdelikte begangen?
The peculiar similarity between retweets and spam || R. 'had once told me that he wished to become a spy, but was not sure who to approach' || Paris ganz Wahrheit, Versailles ganz Lüge, und diese Lüge losgelassen durch den Mund Thiers’. [...]: „Sie können sich auf mein Wort verlassen, das ich nie gebrochen habe!“ | Paris all truth, Versailles all lie, and this lie issued via Thiers' mouth [...]: "You may trust my word which I have never broken!" (Karl Marx, Der Bürgerkrieg in Frankreich, MEW 17, p.349, transl. mine) || The Scarlett Empress: http://ow.ly/b5ozz || "Interspersed with shots of a marital partner she now senses to be a dangerously unhinged imbecile [...]" (link) || "R. said that the constant flow of information was best compared to an unending orgasm, necessitating the continual removal of its euphoric product." || Es hielt ängstlich die angebornen Schönheiten seines alten Systems aufrecht und fügte obendrein alle Kniffe des zweiten Kaiserreichs hinzu, seinen wirklichen Despotismus und seine Scheindemokratie, seine politischen Blendwerke und seine finanziellen Schwindeleien, seine hochtrabenden Phrasen und seine gemeinen Taschenspielerkünste. | Anxiously it maintained the hereditary beauty of its old system and furthermore added to it all the ruses of the second empire, its real despotism, its phony democracy, its political deceptions and its financial frauds, its grandiloquent phraseology and its base arts of legerdemain. (Karl Marx, Der Bürgerkrieg in Frankreich, MEW 17, p.5, transl. mine) || "I cannot tell you where Robinson finally found his Utopia."
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