überdeutliche Klarheit 0.1
Plötzlich sehe ich alles mit überdeutlicher Klarheit. Ich habe alle Konditionierungen abgelegt, so daß ich die Szene auf dem Kopf stehend wahrnehme, so wie sie wirklich auf die Netzhaut fällt. Ich merke zum erstenmal, was es heißt, mitten in einer irrationalen Paranoia cool zu sein. Vor dem Trip hätte mich ihre Aggressivität beunruhigt, ich hätte versucht, zu erklären, zu verhandeln, Kompromisse zu schließen.
Suddenly I see everything with unusual clarity. I did cast off all conditionings, so that I perceive the scene as standing on its head, the way it actually falls on the retina. I realise for the first time what it means to be cool in the middle of an irrational paranoia. Before the trip I would have been worried by their aggressiveness, I would have tried to explain, negotiate, compromise.
Suddenly I see everything with unusual clarity. I did cast off all conditionings, so that I perceive the scene as standing on its head, the way it actually falls on the retina. I realise for the first time what it means to be cool in the middle of an irrational paranoia. Before the trip I would have been worried by their aggressiveness, I would have tried to explain, negotiate, compromise.
Bernward Vesper, Die Reise, S. 222
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