Why book? Surely they would know you were coming! Nice blog. Lots of interesting stuff.
You quote Kafka: How about diary entry for 14.X.1913 - "An Krapotkin (sic) nicht vergessen!".
Bill Dodd asks: "What are we to read into these words: an intellectual or emotional commitment, a special indebtedness - or simply a note on an overdue library book?"
I hate these films the most:
1. Russian Ark, Sokurov
2. There will be blood, PT Anderson
3. Gerry, Van Sant
4. Primer, Carruth
5. Shadow of the Vampire, Mehrige.
6. Dancer in the Dark, von Trier
7. Eyes Wide Shut, Kubrick
8. Magnolia, PT Anderson
9. Palermo Shooting, Wenders
10. My Son, my Son, Herzog
11. Cave of forgotten dreams, Herzog
Why book? Surely they would know you were coming! Nice blog. Lots of interesting stuff.
You quote Kafka: How about diary entry for 14.X.1913 - "An Krapotkin (sic) nicht vergessen!".
Bill Dodd asks: "What are we to read into these words: an intellectual or emotional commitment, a special indebtedness - or simply a note on an overdue library book?"
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